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Everything That Attracts Auburn Mosquitoes

Serving Customers Throughout Alabama & Georgia
mosquitoes biting

When you think of mosquitoes, do you imagine them moving through your neighborhood from yard to yard searching for people to bite? If you do, you might think that you are what attracts mosquitoes into your Auburn yard. While this is certainly possible, it is unlikely. Let's take a closer look at what draws mosquitoes to your home. The more you know, the more success you'll have in keeping them away.

standing water in a garden


Obviously, you are attractive to mosquitoes. They're drawn to the carbon dioxide you emit. But, alone, you don't produce enough carbon dioxide to attract a mosquito from a great distance. If your neighbor has mosquitoes, they probably won't be drawn to your property when you go outside, unless you're standing at the border between the two properties. The mosquitoes that bite you in your yard are mosquitoes that were hiding in your vegetation and in shaded hiding places underneath structures. The mosquitoes that bite you in your yard are your mosquitoes. This is because mosquitoes don't tend to travel very far from where they hatch.


Do you know that mosquitoes eat nectar? It's true. Male and female mosquitoes subsist on nectar and honeydew. This is a far more important reason for a mosquito to be attracted to your yard. If you have lots of flowers, or you have aphids leaving honeydew on your plants, your landscaping will be more interesting to mosquitoes.


Even if you don't have flowers or honeydew, your landscape vegetation can be attractive to mosquitoes. A mosquito can draw sap out of your plants like they suck blood out of your veins. They also have a preference for hiding in vegetation because it tends to be moist. Mosquitoes are moisture pests. Without moisture, they dry up and die. This is one of the reasons they hide during the day. They can't tolerate the sun for long. Not because it's hot, but because it dries them out.

Standing Water

Mosquitoes don't need moisture only to keep their bodies hydrated, female mosquitoes lay their eggs in water. But they don't lay their eggs in just any old water source. It needs to be stagnant. Water sitting in a toy dump truck is plenty. Water in the seat of a riding lawn mower is not quite enough. If you remove stagnant water from your yard, you can make your yard much less attractive to mosquitoes, especially female mosquitoes, which are the ones that lay their eggs in water, and coincidentally, are the mosquitoes that bite you. Male mosquitoes don't bite.

Mosquito Prevention

Now that you know what can attract mosquitoes, let's take a look at a few ways you can use this knowledge to prevent mosquitoes.

You — Mosquitoes are more attracted to some people than others. They're drawn to pregnant women, anyone who has been drinking alcohol, anyone who is hot and sweaty, and anyone wearing dark-colored clothing.

Sweets — You are probably not going to want to get rid of your flowers or flowering plants to stop mosquitoes, but keeping all of your plants healthy can make your yard resistant. Healthy plants resist aphids.

Plants — Moisture management in your landscaping can have a big impact on mosquito populations. Keep things trimmed. Get rid of leaves and other organic debris. Water your plants in the morning. Fix plumbing leaks, and make sure your gutters are working properly.

Standing Water — Remove containers from your yard. Cups and bowls are obvious, but there are many objects that can capture rainwater. It only takes ½ an inch of water for a mosquito to breed. Also keep in mind that circulating water can keep it from being a suitable breeding site. If you have a birdbath, installing a circulator can make a big difference. Lastly, inspect your yard for conditions that allow rainwater to be captured and sit on the ground after a rainstorm. It takes a little more than a week for mosquitoes to develop from egg to adult. Puddles that sit for two or three days should not be a concern.

The Best Way To Control Mosquitoes In Auburn

If you live in Auburn, Alabama, contact Prewett Pest Control for effective mosquito control. The seasonal treatments we apply can stop the development of mosquitoes in your yard, and protect your family from mosquito-borne diseases. Reach out to us to learn more. 
