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Opelika Property Owner's Guide To Effective Wasp Control

Serving Customers Throughout Alabama & Georgia
Hornet on its nest.

Wasps are common pests in Opelika. We would be surprised if you've not had an encounter with one or more of them. Usually, these encounters are short and unmemorable. When a single wasp gets into your space, you simply move away. Most wasps won't give you any trouble. But some encounters are bad enough that you never forget. You may have put your hand on a wood railing without realizing a wasp was hiding just underneath. You may have disturbed a nest while working in your landscaping. You may have found yourself surrounded by dozens of angry yellow jackets while mowing your lawn.

If you've had an encounter with wasps and had one (or several) sting you, it is likely that you remember it. One of the places you're most likely to encounter wasps is in your backyard. Today, we're going to offer up some tips to help you get control of wasps in your yard. Here's what you need to know.

It's Okay To Have Visitors

First, let's keep things in perspective. The goal isn't to keep all wasps out of your yard. Wasps have an important role to play. They help with pollination and they help with the control of some harmful pests, like poisonous spiders. You want some wasps visiting your home. Problems arise when wasps establish a nest. There are two reasons for this.

  • If you have a wasp nest on your property, you will have more encounters with individual wasps which will increase your chances of accidentally coming in contact with one.
  • Some wasps have a nest-protection instinct. If you get too close, they'll let you know it.

Resisting Wasps

It is impossible to remove all of the things that can lure wasps into your yard, but making an effort can have an impact on wasp activity and your chances of having a nest develop.

  • Address any conditions that allow rainwater to collect. These are water sources for wasps.
  • Keep your exterior trash in covered receptacles to keep wasps from finding a meal in your trash.
  • Keep your trash receptacles clean to reduce smells that can attract wasps.
  • Reduce unnecessary vegetation in your landscaping, especially flowering weeds.

Remove Harborage Options

Some wasps establish nests in voids. They may do this in a ground hole or inside your home, garage, shed, etc. Fill in ground holes to prevent nest creation. Inspect your home and other structures for entry points. Use a caulking gun to seal gaps, cracks, and holes.

Bug Control

Wasps eat bugs. The more bugs you have around your home, the more likely you'll have a wasp nest develop. One of the best ways to reduce bugs is to reduce moisture.

  • Make sure there are no obstructions or breaks in your gutter system. When water pours over the sides, it can saturate your perimeter.
  • Water your plants in the morning to give the sun ample opportunity to dry the moisture.
  • Keep your landscaping trimmed and remove unnecessary vegetation to allow for good airflow.
  • Rake leaves up. Leaf litter creates a moist habitat underneath.
  • Remove objects that are near the exterior of your home. It can be dark and damp underneath these objects. This is the perfect place for bugs to live.

Early Detection

In the spring, you may see nests beginning to develop. While they are still tiny umbrella-shaped structures, you can sweep them away with a broom. Once they develop, it is best to have a licensed pest professional remove them.

Don't Go It Alone

If you live in Opelika, contact Prewett Pest Control and talk with us about our residential pest control services. It pays to have routine visits from a licensed professional. We catch nests early and help you keep control of bug populations around your home. Connect with us today. We're here to assist you with all your pest control needs.
